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Action Indoor Plants Blog,Hydroponics The Ultimate Guide on Setting Up Your Indoor Hydroponic Garden Using LED Plant Grow Light

The Ultimate Guide on Setting Up Your Indoor Hydroponic Garden Using LED Plant Grow Light

indoor hydroponic garden Australia

Gardening has suddenly gained popularity, especially during the pandemic. People can now grow their produce in the comfort of their homes, thanks to indoor hydroponic gardens. With an indoor hydroponic garden, you can grow your herbs, fruits, and vegetables without worrying about space, weather, or pests.

The success of your indoor hydroponic garden, however, relies on LED plant grow lighting. LED plant grow lights are specially designed lights that provide the right amount of light for different plants, just like the sun. In this ultimate guide, we will detail everything you need to know about setting up your indoor hydroponic garden using LED plant grow lights.

Types of LED plant grow lights

Before setting up your indoor hydroponic garden, you need to know the types of LED plant grow lights available. LED plant grow lights come in different designs, sizes, power, color spectrum, and lighting duration. The most common types of LED plant grow lights include full-spectrum LED grow lights, red and blue LED grow lights, and white and yellow LED grow lights. Full-spectrum LED grow lights provide a complete spectrum similar to sunlight, while red and blue LED grow lights are great for plant growth. White and yellow LED grow lights are ideal for vegetative growth and flowering. Therefore, choose the right LED plant grow light for your indoor hydroponic garden that matches your plants’ needs.

Ideal lighting duration

Different plants require varying lighting durations. Therefore, before you set up your indoor hydroponic garden in Australia, you need to know the ideal lighting duration for your plants, subject to the type of LED plant grow light. For instance, some plants, such as lettuce, require just four hours of light per day, while others, such as tomatoes, require 18 hours of light per day.

Setting up your indoor hydroponic garden

After choosing the right LED plant grow light and knowing the ideal lighting duration for your plants, it’s time to set up your indoor hydroponic garden. You need to choose the right space in your home, build a hydroponic system, plant your crops, and hang your LED plant grow light. The hydroponic system is a unique way of growing plants using water, instead of soil, and mineral solutions. It’s the best method for indoor hydroponic gardening, as it’s efficient, effective, and easy to manage.


Setting up your indoor hydroponic garden is one thing, maintaining it is another. To keep your garden healthy, you need to monitor the water and PH levels regularly. Also, keep an eye out for pests and diseases that may affect your plants. Prune your plants regularly to ensure proper growth and encourage repeated cropping, where applicable.

Benefits of indoor hydroponic gardening

Indoor hydroponic gardening using LED plant grow lights has numerous benefits. First, it’s a great way to manage space as you don’t need a large backyard. Secondly, you can produce fresh and healthy crops free from pesticides and herbicides. Last but not least, indoor hydroponic gardening is economical as you get to save money you would have spent on groceries.

In conclusion, All you need is to know the right LED plant grow light for your plants, ideal lighting duration, set up your hydroponic system, and maintain your garden. With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to producing fresh and healthy crops all year round.

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